
Homework Policy  |  Academic Recognition  |  Dress Code  |  Drug Dogs

Homework PolicyGo To Top of Page

Because education is a lifelong process extending beyond the school, it is important that students recognize that learning occurs in the home and community. Homework is one means of teaching the necessary skills of independent study and learning outside the school environment.

A broad definition of homework is considered here to include not only written work, but also related activities such as viewing specific television programs, news reporting, recreational reading, and other activities related to classroom work, which are assigned to be done at home.

Academic RecognitionGo To Top of Page

Academic recognition is stressed at Willows Community High School. After each of the six sessions, we hold a recognition assembly with:

  • Academic Awards
  • Attendance Certificates
  • Teacher Awards

Dress CodeGo To Top of Page


School dress need not be a major issue in student's education. The parents should be as concerned as the school staff in the fact that the student's dress reflects his/her pride in school and his/her family.  The school environment is part of their preparation for the future, so we have traditionally maintained that a student comes to school in much the same dress he/she is expected to wear in a typical business environment.


  • short-shorts or miniskirts;
  • pants worn below the waistline;
  • undergarments showing;
  • clothing exposing midriff area, tube tops, tops exposing cleavage, and backless tops;
  • unapproved costumes;
  • T-shirts or other clothing or any jewelry with vulgar words, pictures, or phrases that promote sex, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gang activity or advocate violence
  • shoeless; dirty or wet clothing;
  • T-shirts that are not outer wear quality.
  • Hats must be worn with the bill forward.

If it is determined that the student is wearing inappropriate clothing, he/she will be required to change into the appropriate clothing. If a student is asked to change their clothing, call home for assistance, or require time away from class to change, the time missed will be recorded as an unexcused absence for the time missed. The decision concerning appropriateness of dress remains with the administration. Repeat offenders will be considered to be in defiance of authority and the appropriate penalty shall be imposed.

Regardless of color, any article of clothing displaying gang colors, or affiliation in any manner, is prohibited.

Drug DogsGo To Top of Page

Willows High periodically utilizes the services of the Glenn County Sheriff's Department to provide school-wide canine patrols and searches for drugs and alcohol. These scheduled activities are unannounced to students and coordinated through the Principal's office throughout the year.